
пакет [страховок] 401K
для служащих США - пакет страховок, в который входит пенсия, медицинская страховка и т. д.

Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. . 1998-2007.

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Смотреть что такое "401K" в других словарях:

  • 401K — in the US, a way of saving money for your ↑retirement that is handled through the company where you work …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • 401k — …   Useful english dictionary

  • 401k plan — 401(k) plan UK US noun [C] FINANCE, TAX ► in the US, a system in which people who are working are allowed to pay part of their income into an investment account without paying tax on it until they take the money out as a pension …   Financial and business terms

  • Roth 401(k) — The Roth 401(k) is a type of retirement savings plan. It was authorized by the United States Congress under the Internal Revenue Code, section 402A [http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode26/usc sec 26 00000402 A000 .html] , and represents… …   Wikipedia

  • Roth IRA — A Roth IRA is an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) allowed under the tax law of the United States. Named for its chief legislative sponsor, Senator William Roth of Delaware, a Roth IRA differs in several significant ways from other… …   Wikipedia

  • Self-employment — is the individual pursuit of capitalism. To be self employed, an individual is normally highly skilled in a trade or has a niche product or service for their local community. With the creation of the Internet the ability for an individual to… …   Wikipedia

  • Rollover (finance) — Rollover is a process whereby a financial instrument such as a CD is reinvested at maturity. It may also refer to the transfer of the balance of a 401k or IRA into another 401k or IRA account (i.e. rolling over a conventional IRA into a Roth IRA… …   Wikipedia

  • Enronomics — (en.ruh.NOM.iks) n. A fiscal policy or business strategy that relies on dubious accounting practices, overly optimistic economic forecasts, and unsustainably high levels of spending. Example Citation: Democratic National Committee staffers urge… …   New words

  • 401(k) — In the United States of America, a 401(k) plan allows a worker to save for retirement while deferring income taxes on the saved money and earnings until withdrawal. The employee elects to have a portion of his or her wage paid directly, or… …   Wikipedia

  • Marietta, Ohio —   City   Downtown Marietta in July 2007, including the Muskingum River (foreground) and the Ohio River (background right) …   Wikipedia

  • List of American words not widely used in the United Kingdom — This is a list of American words not widely used in the United Kingdom.* Words with specific American meanings that have different meanings in British English and/or additional meanings common to both dialects (e.g. pants , crib ) are to be found …   Wikipedia

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